
open class ValidatedAny<T : Any>(defaultValue: T) : ValidatedField<T> , EntryParent

Validation for an arbitrary non-null POJO (Plain Old Java Object). It will create a "mini-config" popup with the same style of list as the main config and section screens. Each field within the object will be validated just like a config, either automatically or purposefully if ValidatedFields are used.

The object passed follows the same rules as that of a config or config section. Non-final fields/properties that are public unless annotated with IgnoreVisibility

This Validation is useful for "blocks" of config, such as Entity Stats or Tool Materials, that you want to break out.

You can nest other POJO within this one, as long as it either implements Walkable or is another ValidatedAny

See the Wiki for more details and examples, and refer to Laying Out Configs for more information about how ValdiatedAny can be best utilized.







Walkable object to be managed


Instance of T to wrap


import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.util.AllowableIdentifiers
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.util.EnumTranslatable
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.util.FcText.lit
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.util.ValidationResult
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.collection.ValidatedList
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.minecraft.ValidatedIdentifier
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.minecraft.ValidatedRegistryType
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.minecraft.ValidatedTagKey
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.misc.*
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.misc.ValidatedColor.Companion.validatedColor
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.validation.number.ValidatedInt
import net.minecraft.item.Items
import net.minecraft.item.SwordItem
import net.minecraft.registry.Registries
import net.minecraft.registry.tag.ItemTags
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier
import java.awt.Color
import java.util.function.Function

fun main() { 
   //example POJO for use in validation. It follows the same rules as sections and configs (public non-final properties, validated or not)
class ExampleAny {
    var exampleInt = 4
    var exampleDouble = 0.4
    var exampleTag = ValidatedTagKey(ItemTags.AXES) { id -> listOf(, }

// wraps a plain object (that implements Walkable) into validation and serialization
var validatedExampleAny = ValidatedAny(ExampleAny())

//fields and sections have lang keys based on their "location" in the Config class graph.
//Lange key composition is as follows
//1. the namespace of the config id: (my_mod)
//2. the path of the config id: (my_mod.my_config)
//3. any parent ConfigSection field names as declared in-code: (my_mod.my_config.subSection)
//4. the setting field name as declared in-code: (my_mod.my_config.subSection.fieldName)
val fieldLang = """
    "_comment1": "the lang for an example 'fieldName' setting in a config inside section 'subSection'",
    "my_mod.my_config.subSection.fieldName": "Very Important Setting",
    "my_mod.my_config.subSection.fieldName.desc": "This very important setting is used in this very important way."


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constructor(defaultValue: T)


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open override var translatableEntryKey: String


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open override fun accept(input: T)

updates the wrapped value. NOTE: this method will push updates to an UpdateManager, if any. For in-game updating consider validateAndSet

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open fun addListener(listener: Consumer<ValidatedField<T>>)

Attaches a listener to this field. This listener will be called any time the field is written to ("set"). accept, validateAndSet, setAndUpdate and so on will all call the listener.

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open fun andThen(p0: Consumer<in T>): Consumer<T>
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fun codec(): Codec<T>

Provides a Codec representing the value type of this validation, backed by the validators within as applicable

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open fun copyStoredValue(): T

Copies the stored value and returns it.

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open override fun copyValue(input: T): T

Copies the provided input as deeply as possible. For immutables like numbers and booleans, this will simply return the input

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Corrects an attempted input, as possible. When correction isn't possible or deterministic, simply validate the entry the same way you would for EntryValidator

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open override fun flags(): Byte
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open override fun get(): T

supplies the wrapped value

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fun getDefault(): T

Provides this validations default value

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abstract fun getEntryKey(): String
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open override fun hasFlag(flag: EntryFlag.Flag): Boolean
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open override fun instanceEntry(): ValidatedField<T>

creates a deep copy of this ValidatedAny

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open override fun listenToEntry(listener: Consumer<Entry<T, *>>)

Attaches a listener to this field. This listener will be called any time the field is written to ("set"). accept, validateAndSet, setAndUpdate and so on will all call the listener.

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fun <N> map(to: Function<T, out N>, from: Function<in N, T>): ValidatedField<N>

Maps this validation to a new convertible type. The default value will be applied from this delegates current storedValue

fun <N> map(defaultValue: N, to: Function<T, out N>, from: Function<in N, T>): ValidatedField<N>
fun <N> map(to: Function<T, out N>, from: Function<in N, T>, defaultValue: T): ValidatedField<N>

Maps this validation to a new convertible type.

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fun <B> pairWith(other: Entry<B, *>): ValidatedPair<T, B>

Pairs this validation with another validation into one ValidatedPair

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open fun prepare(scope: String, groups: LinkedList<String>, annotations: List<Annotation>, globalAnnotations: List<Annotation>)

Called in the prepare stage of screen building to perform any necessary pre-entry-creation tasks.

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abstract fun setEntryKey(key: String)
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open fun toCondition(condition: ValidatedField<Boolean>, fallback: Supplier<T>): ValidatedCondition<T>

Convert this field to a ValidatedCondition using the provided validation as a supplier. The provided condition (and any others you append) must pass for the stored value to be provided, otherwise the fallback will be supplied.

open fun toCondition(condition: BooleanSupplier, fallback: Supplier<T>, failMessage: Text): ValidatedCondition<T>
open fun toCondition(condition: Supplier<Boolean>, failMessage: Text, fallback: Supplier<T>): ValidatedCondition<T>

Convert this field to a ValidatedCondition. The provided condition (and any others you append) must pass for the stored value to be provided, otherwise the fallback will be supplied.

open fun toCondition(scope: String, failMessage: Text, fallback: Supplier<T>): ValidatedCondition<T>

Convert this field to a ValidatedCondition using the provided scope with a default boolean provider. The provided condition (and any others you append) must pass for the stored value to be provided, otherwise the fallback will be supplied. The provided scope must point to a valid boolean config scope otherwise the initial condition will never pass.

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fun toList(vararg elements: T): ValidatedList<T>

Wraps the provided values into a ValidatedList with this field as validation

fun toList(collection: Collection<T>): ValidatedList<T>

Wraps the provided collection into a ValidatedList with this field as validation

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fun toSet(vararg elements: T): ValidatedSet<T>

Wraps the provided values into a ValidatedSet with this field as validation

fun toSet(collection: Collection<T>): ValidatedSet<T>

Wraps the provided collection into a ValidatedSet with this field as validation

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open override fun trySet(input: Any?)

Attempts to set an arbitrary input into this Entry. Should fail soft if the input is incompatible

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open fun update(updateMessage: Text)
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open fun validateAndSet(input: T): ValidationResult<T>

A setter method for the storedValue that first validates the value being set and then stores the post-validation result.

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open fun validateAndSetFlagged(input: T, vararg flag: EntryFlag.Flag): ValidationResult<T>

A setter method for the storedValue that first validates the value being set and then stores the post-validation result.

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Validates an input per the provided validation type.

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open fun widgetAndTooltipEntry(choicePredicate: ChoiceValidator<T> = ChoiceValidator.any()): ClickableWidget

Builds a new ClickableWidget and applies a tooltip to it. This shouldn't need to be overridden in most cases